
Our secret walled garden is a constant source of inspiration and innovation, allowing us to experiment with new and unusual varieties, and underpin our menus with stunning seasonal produce.

This impressive creation is the outcome of a tight partnership between Head Chef Stevie McLaughlin and Head Grower Jo Campbell, and is the result of years of meticulous planning and relentless backbreaking work.

Even though the past year has been a good warm growing season, we are in Scotland and we cannot be fooled into the fact that this may differ in the future. We work around the weather with cloches, horticultural fleece, perhaps a polytunnel, but also, to an extent, accepting that there is a Scottish season.

Jo Campbell
Jo Campbell
Head Grower, Restaurant Andrew Fairlie


Savour produce from the restaurant’s own Victorian Walled ‘Secret Garden’ – Jo Campbell grows an array of vegetables, salads, edible flowers and herbs to inspire the Kitchen Brigade.

This season

Food & Wine
19 June 2024
Krug x Flower